December 2015

Film Making project with Looked After Children

Alongside the shoot of Synergy’s latest production, The Thief, Synergy delivered a project with 10 looked after children recruited in collaboration with partners, Islington Youth Offending and Independent Futures Services, run by a professional filmmaker and two ex-prisoner facilitators.

The practical sessions introduced participants to different roles including directing, editing and camera operating using industry standard equipment and resulted in a 15-minute behind-the-scenes film with interviews and footage capturing the process of making The Thief.

The young film makers and their carers joined Synergy at a special screening of the 15-minute behind-the-scenes film, alongside Synergy’s premiere of The Thief, and received the biggest cheer of the night!

Following this project 6 of the young filmmakers were accepted on to a BFI Film Academy course and Synergy is looking forward to working with them again in 2016.

Synergy’s film The Thief has so far been screened at private event to the cast and crew’s friends and family and Roehampton University in November 2015, and to an audience of 45 prisoners at a screening in YOI Isis, providing stimulus for a bespoke performance project in response to the film’s themes engaging a group of the young offenders. The Thief will tour to schools and be entered into international festivals.

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February 2025

Just announced: Ordinary Decent Criminal

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January 2025

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