2022Touring to festivals, schools, PRUs and YOIs


Escape comes at a price

A short film about grooming of young people for recruitment and exploitation within county lines.

Tia, a 15-year-old, and her mum are planning to escape their violent home but when dad Nick brings trouble to their door Tia needs to make money fast. This leaves her open to exploitation by new boyfriend Jay who has targeted her for county lines.

Dues lays bare the conditions and vulnerabilities that expose young women to the risk of targeting for recruitment, grooming and exploitation by criminal networks.

The film was recently screened at Chicago International Children’s Festival and British Urban Film Festival.

Screenplay by
Ambreen Razia
Directed by
Esther Baker
Director of Photography
Luke Cardiff
Education pack
A gripping watch that shouldn’t be overlooked. Highly recommended
Short Film Matters
Very Inspiring and Emotional
Young audience member
Relatable, makes you think about your own situations and how you should go about it
Young audience member
Making of Dues — Behind the scenes
It was very realistic for our young people and what they might be going through

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The Gut Girls

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