2003Barnes Old Sorting Office, HMP Latchmre House & London colleges


Adam and Eve were public in their fall. To sin in private is not to sin at all

The manipulative intrusion of a hypocrite causes uproar in a wealthy household in Moliere’s classic comedy. Tartuffe is a humorous exploration of the dangers of self-delusion, deception and the struggle for power.

The production was performed by Category D prisoners on licence in the community.

Written by
Directed by
Esther Baker
Set design by
Katy McPhee
Lighting design by
Tony Simpson
Sound design by
Alisdair McGregor
Performed by
HMP Latchmere House prisoners and Amanda Daniels, Hannah Emmanuel, Sonya Fraser and Adam Tabraham
What transpired is an experience over 3 months that will live with me forever
Prisoner cast member
It has been the most rewarding and inspirational experience of my life
Documentary maker
A truly amazing journey
Prisoner Assistant Director

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